Who We Are

AtmoAnalytics Inc. is a data analysis service provider for climate and air quality applications in North America and around the world. We perform data analysis of satellite remote sensing and surface observations to offer a wide range of services and solutions for climate and air quality mapping, consulting, and strategies.

Since our establishment in 2020, we have been providing our customers with value-added solutions. We have a productive results-oriented approach applying over 18 years of experience in atmospheric science, statistical methods, numerical modeling, and data analysis. We are familiar with the latest integrated techniques and methodologies used in ground-based measurements, remote sensing, and atmospheric modeling.

What we do

AtmoAnalytics offers a wide range of affordable services for climate and air quality mapping. Our services include:

  • Satellite/surface measurement data processing
  • Trend analysis
  • Dry deposition flux mapping of trace gases (i.e., nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and ammonia (NH3)) using satellite observation
  • Scientific support through Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) framework for new air quality monitoring sensor development

We perform interdisciplinary research and analysis on aerosols, trace gases, and remote sensing using our knowledge and skills to examine how these factors affect air quality and human health at local, regional, and global scales.

What we have done

Reactive Nitrogen Dry Deposition Flux Monitoring over North America

Reactive nitrogen (defined here as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3)) is an essential nutrient to plants and limiting element for growth in many ecosystems. However, when reactive nitrogen is in excess it has deleterious effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (such as soil acidification, eutrophication, and loss of biodiversity). Atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen in sensitive ecosystems has been a widespread environmental issue worldwide since the mid 20th century.
To read more about it, click here.

Satellite Ammonia Monitoring (SAM)

Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most common forms of reactive nitrogen and the primary alkaline gas in the atmosphere. NH3 plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry and is one of the key components for aerosol (particulate matter (PM 2.5)) formation. Globally, NH3 in situ measurement networks are sparse in nature, have instruments with poor temporal resolution (for example, bi-weekly or monthly periods) and lack extensive spatial coverage. On the other hand, satellite observations of NH3 with daily global coverage are now being used to fill in the measurement gap and provide unprecedented information of global NH3 concentrations.
To read more about it, click here.

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